Welcome to the third edition of the electronic version of the EHU. The editor has excelled in my opinion to create a very readable document with an excellent scientific content. Following two very much to the point News- letters in the month of March and April, this EHU has some significant articles,abstracts,committee feedback and event notification and advertising. It remains a continuous challenge to create a top quality document that will entice you as members to appreciate and encourage continuous participation in what SAEVA has to offer.
This year has marched on and as the Executive it has been busy. Our first set of meetings, (SAEVA/TBA/NHA) have come and gone as well as seminars and meetings with the SAVC. I personally attended the meeting with the SAVC and the NHA as well as the mini congress with the SAVC. Both these forums were very productive and have highlighted more so than ever before for us as Veterinarians to keep up to date and read communications from all relevant bodies especially the SAVC. The regular SMS messages sent out by SAVC, I would strongly encourage all members to read carefully as many of these points may directly affect your livelihood as a Veterinarian.
On a lighter note I would like to draw your attention to the up and com- ing CPD events for 2016 culminating with our 50th Congress at Skukuza on February 2017. The Vets with Horsepower is the most important event on the horizon and I would like to encourage all members to GET INVOLVED and also motivate your clients to participate. The speakers are good and the chari- ties are admirable and deserve every bit of support. This event is also crucial in creating awareness in what we as a group are doing.
There are FEI courses coming up , one in July and then a further endurance course two days prior to our Congress in February.
Wetlabs before and after the Congress as well as the In- ternational Thoroughbred Breeders Federation Congress in the second week of February 2017. Some of the events may seem to be very much on top of each other. We are fully aware of this but dates were set well in advance. This should be seen as an opportunity possibly to allow various members of the practice to participate in much needed CPD.
The SAEVA website has had further changes and more still to come. Please be encouraged to give us some ideas on how to further improve. I would like to bring to your atten- tion the Education tab and CPD portal, as well as the tab for RESOURCES. This is where the majority of the PRO- CEDURES and POLICY documents will be lodged by the individual Committees. I see this as one of the more active portfolios as well as the DISEASE REPORTING Committee especially in the light of the resent AHS outbreaks and the effect it has had on International as well as local move- ment of horses.
As you are aware SAEVA does hold a position as direc- tor on the SAVA Board. At the moment we do not have a nominated person from the executive, so as Chairman I am kept in communications with SAVA and have contributed to both Board meeting by mail. Both my recommendations to SAVA will be available in the members section of the website. I.e. The mission statement and a copy of our fi- nancial statements as well as suggestions on what SAEVA would expect from the parent body. Again please feel free to comment and email me directly on rohwer@mcveigh. co.za.
To encourage membership we have created membership categories for an Associate membership, New Graduate, Young member(pre graduate) and Paraveterinary. These suggestions will be emailed for comment to all members in the near future.
In conclusion I wish you some enjoyable reading and hopefully this will motivate you to GET INVOLVED…..
Manfred Rohwer
Chairman SA Equine Veterinary Association
Cell: 083 327 0237Â
This communication is intended exclusively for members of theÂ
South African Equine Veterinary Association (SAEVA ) and may not be forwarded, disseminated, copied or shared in any way whatsoever without the express permission of the Editor or SAEVAÂ Chairman.
Expressions of opinion, claims and statement of supposed facts do not necessarily reflect the views of the EHU, editor or publisher. While every effort is made to report accurately, the EHU, publisher or the editor does not accept any liability with regard to any statement, advertisement, fact or recommendation made in this magazine.
Enjoy this great issue, and a big thank you to Johnny Cave and all the contributors.
May you, the reader be educated and entertained!All the best
SAEVA Committee
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