The National Board have in terms of Clause 16.2 of the Constitution, amended the following Rules, with effect from 11 July 2016. The words that have a strike throughthem are to be deleted and the words in bold and underlined are to be added.
1.1.85 TREATMENT RECORD – a record entered into the Veterinary Treatment Register as approved by the NATIONAL BOARD and shall include a discharge form from a registered veterinary hospital. required by the South African Veterinary Council in terms of Rule 26(3) of their Rules for Veterinarians promulgated in terms of the Veterinary and Para-Veterinary Professions Act, 19 of 1982 or of any Act which replaces this Act.
10.5.14 shall accurately and legibly record or cause to be accurately and legibly recorded as a TREATMENT RECORD in a Treatment Register, preparations which contain a PROHIBITED SUBSTANCE administered and/or any veterinary treatment to any HORSE under his care. The TRAINER shall ensure that the Treatment Register is available at all times for inspection by any LICENSED OFFICIAL. Once the Treatment Register is full it shall be returned to the NATIONAL HORSERACING AUTHORITY at which time a new register will be issued;
10.5.17 shall not have in his possession or on the premises where he trains:-
10.5.18 any medicine, drug or related substance which was prescribed more than 30 days previously, is expired or remains unused from or superfluous to a previously prescribed treatment.
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